我还是觉得Forgotten One和Beelzebub是两回事,一个是恶神,另一个是被造出来的怪物。怎么可能是一个东西?除非是制作人在做Forgotten One时是参照着月下里那位Beelzebub来做的。Forgotten One可以看成Beelzebub的3D版本又不意味着它俩是同一个。
不过话说回来,Forgotten One身上的那些蛆发育成熟之后不就会变成苍蝇了吗?这么说Forgotten One其实也有当蝇王的潜质l嘛! To 32 楼: Spend 5 years in a Catholic school with Bible as mandatory book and you'll naturally know a lot about angels and demons...
After me, all demons are "made" in one way or another because all was made "good" to God's eyes, but let themselves corrupt later. 恶神 are only cursed angels and gods. So, one can create a monster by cursing someone or something. Does this mean that the curse on the Forgotten One was the same as the one on Beelzebub?
To 31楼: The Legions from 白夜 were not stupid: they can't move because they were chained to the ground. In the chamber where you fought Legion (corpse), you can actually see that they tried to espace by banging against the wall... Yes, it's the melted part in the background.
P.S.: Does someone know any good English-Chinese translator? I want to post in Chinese but I have to Babelfish them word by word and then copy paste them...
[ 本帖最后由 Florianne 于 2006-9-21 07:48 编辑 ] 这个肉球下面隐藏的怪物还是第一次看见实体 我汗!33楼的是在练英语写作能力吗? 晕``我也来个死人军团``` 我汗!楼上的那个更强!