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[模拟器教程] 联盟的恶魔城年代记无法下载

发表于 2006-10-4 17:50:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016-8-12 03:15 编辑 <br /><br />提示
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 已连接.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 GET /Soft/ShowSoftDown.asp?UrlID=1&SoftID=83 HTTP/1.1
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Accept: */*
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Pragma: no-cache
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Cache-Control: no-cache
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Connection: close
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 HTTP/1.1 302 Object moved
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Connection: close
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:48:12 GMT
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Content-Length: 179
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Content-Type: text/html
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Expires: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:48:12 GMT
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Cache-control: no-cache
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 Socket已连接 ,等待欢迎信息
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.1 for WinSock ready...
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 USER konami
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 331 User name okay, need password.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 PASS ********
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 230 User logged in, proceed.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 成功登录
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 REST 100
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 350 Restarting at 100. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 该站点支持断点续传.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 REST 0
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:03 2006 TYPE A
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 200 Type set to A.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 PORT 59,45,135,117,4,152
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 200 PORT Command successful.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 LIST /cv/PS/ps_cvCH_jpn.rar
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 550 Permission denied.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 TYPE I
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 200 Type set to I.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 SIZE /cv/PS/ps_cvCH_jpn.rar
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 550 Permission denied.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 TYPE I
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 200 Type set to I.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 PORT 59,45,135,117,4,153
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 200 PORT Command successful.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 RETR /cv/PS/ps_cvCH_jpn.rar
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 550 Permission denied.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 RETR cv/PS/ps_cvCH_jpn.rar
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 550 /d:/站内成员空间/feiji/cv/PS/ps_cvCH_jpn.rar: No such file or directory.
Wed Oct 04 17:48:04 2006 有错误发生!

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-4 17:52:51 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-12 03:15 编辑 <br /><br />对了,我试的是新站的

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