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[国内] eversleeping 为爱走遍天涯

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发表于 2006-5-15 23:08:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016-8-8 20:04 编辑 <br /><br />  德国美声金属乐团Xandria成立于2000年,音乐风格充满了古典的哥德民谣风味,主要团员为主唱Lisa Schaphaus、吉他手/键盘手Marco Heubaum、吉他手Philip Restemeier、鼓手Gerit Lamm – Schlagzeug,2003年4月发表自行制作的首张迷你专辑《Kill The Sun》,受到乐坛好评及瞩目,之后加盟德国金属名厂Drakkar,于2004年5月发表以探讨情欲为主的第二张专辑《Ravenheart》。
Eversleeping优雅的钢琴声深深打动人心,主唱Lisa以深情的歌声唱出为求真爱走遍天涯,即使耗尽一生也在所不惜。Fire Of Universe描写爱情的火花有如沙漠中的甘泉,点燃宇宙万物的生气。Some Like It Cold繁星闪烁 黑夜中,夜的光影指引归乡之路,命运的轮盘始终不停的转动着。Answer全曲流畅,讲述一段事实,那就是人类为爱而活。My Scarlet Name飘渺的歌声充满着民谣风,道出不为人知的秘密。Snow-White描写童话故事中的白雪公主,她活在每一个人的心目中。Black Flame强劲的曲式有如雄雄烈火,撩起人性原始的欲望。 Too Close To Breathe隐喻人生充满了挑战,为了得到成功随时冒险犯难,但善恶的拿捏往往只在一线之间。Keep My Secret Well以中板进行,动人的歌声唱出一位陶醉在深情爱意中女子的心

Once I travelled seven seas to find my love
And once I sang 700 songs
Well, maybe I still have to walk 7000 miles
Until I find the one that I belong
I will rest my head side by side
To the one that stays in the night
I will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow
And whatever comes will come soon
Dying I will pray to the moon
That there once will be a better tomorrow
Once I crossed seven rivers to find my love
And once, for seven years, I forgot my name
Well, if I have to I will die seven deaths just to lie
In the arms of my eversleeping aim
I will rest my head side by side
To the one that stays in the night
I will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow
And whatever comes will come soon
Dying I will pray to the moon
That there once will be a better tomorrow
I will rest my head side by side
To the one that stays in the night
I will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow
And whatever comes will come soon
Dying I will pray to the moon
That there once will be a better tomorrow
I dreamt last night that he came to me
He said: My love, why do you cry?
For now it won’t long any more.

发表于 2006-5-16 16:57:49 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:04 编辑 <br /><br />我看到。。。主唱Lisa。。。。 [s:10]

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-16 17:14:02 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:04 编辑 <br /><br />恩.......94 LISA  [s:41]

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