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[欧美] STAND--JEWEL,蛮好听的音乐哦~~

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发表于 2006-6-9 11:42:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016-8-8 20:00 编辑 <br /><br />Walk in a corner shop
See a shoplifting cop
See the old lady with a gun
See the hero try 2 run
Nothing&#39;s what it seems, I mean
It&#39;s not all dirty, but it&#39;s not all clean
There&#39;s children paying bills  
There&#39;s monks buying thrills
There&#39;s pride for sale in magazines
There&#39;s pills for rent 2 make u clean  
Marvin Gaye, there&#39;s no brother, brother
Woody Guthrie&#39;s land can&#39;t feed Mother[CHORUS]
Mothers weep, children sleep So much violence ends in silence
It&#39;s a shame there&#39;s no one 2 blame  
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me And together we can make a standA waitress brings me lunch
We meet but do not touch &nbsp;
On TV, D.C. is selling lies V
While in the corner, King&#39;s dream dies Go 2 the counter, pay for me and my friend  
A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it&#39;s on him
The mayor has no cash
He said he spent it on hookers and hash
U will love me, I will love u

发表于 2006-6-9 18:57:01 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:01 编辑 <br /><br />风风火星了,在听雪花飘之前就开始听这个了!!! [s:41]

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-9 19:03:47 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:01 编辑 <br /><br />让火星来得更猛烈把 这样我更有动力  [s:42]
PS 我只推荐好听的歌

发表于 2006-6-9 19:57:05 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:01 编辑 <br /><br />的确不错啊。。。

发表于 2006-6-9 20:07:43 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:01 编辑 <br /><br />......我说什么了 [s:25]

发表于 2006-6-9 20:08:06 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:01 编辑 <br /><br />......我说什么了 [s:25]

发表于 2006-6-9 20:10:16 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 20:01 编辑 <br /><br />天干物燥.....小心火星........... [s:10]

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