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[欧美] Ace Of Base的新歌——beautiful morning

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发表于 2006-10-30 20:14:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016-8-8 19:38 编辑 <br /><br />      瑞典是一个舞曲流行音乐十分盛行的国家,70年代有ABBA乐队,80年代有Roxette,而于1994年迅速窜红的“基地能手”(Ace of Base)乐队则把瑞典的流行音乐推上了又一个高峰。
  “基地能手”乐队由乔纳斯·伯杰斯(Jonas Berggers)和他的朋友乌尔夫·埃克伯格(ULF Ekberg)组成,并由伯杰斯在唱诗班的两个妹妹珍妮(Jenny)和玛琳(Malin)担任主唱。这支来自瑞典名城哥德堡的四人组合起初的发展并不顺利。但在转向丹麦发展后,他们以一曲《幸运轮》(Wheel of Fortune) 获得了相当不错的成绩。之后,他们又相继推出了《她所要的一切》(All That She Wants) ,《快乐园》(Happy Nation) ,《符号》(The Sign) 等一连串单曲,获得了广泛的欢迎:Ace of Base 很快成为一支极为走红的乐队。1994年,美国的一家公司发行了他们的首张专辑《符号》(《The Sign》)。专辑在欧洲发行时则以《快乐园》(《Happy Nation》)为名。这张专辑和其中的单曲“她所要的一切”很快就分别获得了排行榜的冠军, 而Ace of Base也由此成为第一支获得美国Billboard(告示牌)排行榜冠军的瑞典乐队。单曲《符号》成了94年美国销量最大的单曲之一,并在八个国家的排行榜上获得了冠军。《她所要的一切》在十个国家的排行榜上位列冠军,并被誉为欧洲十年来(1984-1994)最为成功的一首单曲。而《快乐园》也获得了在七个国家的排行榜上位居冠军的佳绩。
  Ace of Base乐队在94年获得了两项Billboard音乐大奖,并获得了三项94 / 95年度的世界音乐大奖。《符号》的销量超过了2000万张,创造了“世界上最成功、最畅销的处女专辑”的吉尼斯世界纪录,其成绩可谓傲人。1995年,Ace of Base 又发表了他们的第二张专辑《桥》(《Bridge》)。与前一张专辑相比,《桥》已明显脱离了纯雷吉和电子舞曲的风格,呈现出了多元化的音乐倾向和一种较为严肃的情绪。这张专辑再次获得了巨大的成功。而Ace of Base 此时也已成为瑞典甚至世界流行乐坛中的一个动人神话。
  1996年下半年,Ace of Base开始准备下一张专辑。一年后,我们知道了第一支单曲的发行日期是1998年2月。《Life is a Flower》 取得了令人吃惊的成绩,在希腊,瑞典和其它一些国家取得了第一,在欧洲绝大多数国家都进了前十名。
今天我们就来听一下他的新歌beautiful morning
What a beautiful morning.
The best in life is free.
Mmm, what a beautiful morning.
Believe me.
What a mystery, though the world's on fire.
Yesterday's hard words is still in my head.
I feel no despair, no regrets or sorrows,
'Cause this new day makes me dance on air.
(What a golden day.)
What a beautiful morning in my life.
The best in life is free.
I give it all away and I wonder what more is to come.
And this beautiful morning changed my mind.
Believe me when I say the shadows fading out.
As the day grows bright, we are turning pages,
And we write new chapters of our life.
Some are strong and long.
Others weak with sorrows.
Keep the focus on the rising sun.
(What a golden day.)
What a beautiful morning in my life.
The best in life is free (free).
I give it all away (all away) and I wonder what more is to come.
And this beautiful morning changed my mind (changed my mind).
Believe me when I say (say) the shadows fading out (shadows fading out).
Oh, yeah.
Believe me - crows will always fly.
Believe me – they are only birds.
You have to, you have to let go and you will see things in a different light.
What a beautiful morning.
Mmm, what a beautiful morning.
Ooh, ooh, believe me.
Oh what a beautiful, what a beautiful morning.
A beautiful morning.
A beautiful day.
Our troubles away.
What a morning. (It’s a beautiful morning.)
A beautiful morning.
A beautiful day.
Our troubles away. (Believe, believe me.)
Believe me. (What a beautiful morning, yeah.)
A beautiful morning. (The best in life is free.)
A beautiful day. (I give it all away.)
Our troubles away.
What a morning. (A beautiful morning.)
A beautiful morning. (Beautiful morning.)
A beautiful day. (Oh, yeah.)
Our troubles away. (Oh,yeah. Believe me.)
Believe me.

发表于 2006-10-30 20:53:09 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 19:38 编辑 <br /><br />虽然没听说过~今天算是长见识了

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