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发表于 2004-3-7 12:58:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />玫瑰十字儀式(翻译)<br>
m.沿對角線走回房間中央; 停留幾分鐘,想像一下六個灼熱的十字和圓圈。<br>
基本上這個儀式是 ”預防多於治療”,你得持續一個月,把它當成每日必修的功課。它不會造成任何傷害,據說它可以幫助實行者建立一種內心的 <br>

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-7 12:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />玫瑰十字仪式:原文的<br>
玫瑰十字仪式:原文的light a stick of incense. go to the south east corner of the room. make a large cross and circle thus: <br>
and holding the point of the incense in the center vibrate the word yeheshuah. <br>
2. with arm outstretched on a level with the centre of the cross, and holding the incense stick, go to the south west corner and make a similar cross, repeating the word. <br>
3. go to the north west corner and repeat the cross and the word. <br>
4. go to the north east corner and repeat the cross and the word. <br>
5. complete your circle by returning to the south east corner and bringing the point of the incense to the central point of the first cross which you should imagine astrally there. <br>
6. holding the stick on high, go to the centre of the room, walking diagonally across the room towards the north west corner. in the centre of the room, above your head, trace the cross and circle and vibrate the name. <br>
7. holding the stick on high, go to the north west and bring the point of the stick down to the centre of the astral cross there. <br>
8. turn towards the south east and retrace your steps there, but now, holding the incense stick directed across the floor. in the centre of the room, make the cross and circle towards the floor, as it were, under your feet, and vibrate the name. <br>
9. complete this circle by returning to the south east and bringing the point of the stick again to the centre of the cross, then move with arm outstretched to s.w. corner. <br>
10. from the centre of this cross, and, raising stick before, walk diagonally across the room towards the north east corner. in the centre of the room, pick up again the cross above your head previously made, vibrating the name. it is not necessary to make another cross. <br>
11. bring the stick to the centre of the north east cross and return to the south west, incense stick down, and pausing in the centre of the room to link up with the cross under your feet. <br>
12. return to the south west and rest the point of the incense a moment in the centre of the cross there. holding the stick out, retrace your circle to the north west, link on to the n.w. cross --- proceed to the n.e. cross and complete your circle by returning to the s.e., and the centre of the first cross. <br>
13. retrace the cross, but larger, and make a big circle, vibrating for the lower half yeheshuah, and for the upper half yehovashah. <br>
14. return to the centre of the room, and visualise the six crosses in a net-work around you. this ceremony can be concluded by the analysis of the key-word given as follows: <br>
1. stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross. face east. <br>
2. vibrate these words: <br>
i. n. r. i. <br>
yod-nun-resh-yod <br>
the sign of osiris slain. <br>
3. right arm up, left arm extended out from shoulder, head bowed toward left hand. <br>
l. --- the sign of the mourning of isis. <br>
4. both arms up in a v shape. <br>
v. --- the sign of typhon and apophis. <br>
5. arms crossed on breast, head bowed. <br>
x. --- the sign of osiris risen. <br>
6. make the signs again as you repeat l.v.x. <br>
l.v.x. lux. <br>
7. arms folded on breast, head bowed. <br>
the light of the cross. <br>
8. then arms extended in the sign of osiris slain (see 1). <br>
virgo - isis - mighty mother <br>
scorpio - apophis - destroyer <br>
sol - osiris - slain and risen <br>
9. gradually raise arms. <br>
isis - apophis - osiris <br>
10. arms above head, face raised. <br>
i. a. o. <br>
11. except when in the vault, now vibrate the four tablet of union names to equilibriate the light. <br>
exarp - hcoma - nanta - biton <br>
12. aspire to the light and draw it down over your head to your feet. <br>
let the divine light descend. <br>
the use of the rose cross ritual <br>
1. it encloses the aura with a protection against outside influences. it is like a veil. the pentagrams protect, but they also light up the astral and make entities aware of you. they are more positive for magical working. when much distracted, use the pentagrams to banish and the rose-cross to maintain peace. <br>
2. it is a call to another mode of your consciousness and withdraws you from the physical. it is a good preparation for meditation and, combined with the key-word, a form of invocation of the higher wisdom which is helpful when solving problems or preparing for a difficult interview, or in order to be calm and strong to help another. <br>
3. when you are quite familiar with the ritual, but most certainly not before, it can be done in imagination while resting or lying down. part of yourself goes out, and you get all the sensation of walking around your own quiescent body. used thus, with rhythmic breathing, it will withdraw your mind from pain (if it be not too severe) and release you for sleep. you can do the analysis of the key-word standing behind your physical head, and you can call down the divine white brilliance, watching it flow over your body and smooth out the tangles in the etheric double, bringing peace and rest. <br>
4. you can do the ritual with intention to help others in pain or difficulty. for this purpose, you build up an astral image of the person, in the centre of the room, and call down the light upon him, after surrounding him with the six crosses. when the ceremony is done, command the astral shape you have made to return to the person, bearing with it the peace of yeheshuah. <br>
5. it is a protection against psychic invasion from the thoughts of others or from disturbed psychic conditions, such as there might be in a place charged with fear, where terrible things had happened. <br>

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-7 13:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />六芒星儀式 <br>
六芒星儀式 <br>
儀式用法: <br>
1. 先做出小五芒星儀式~~記得~~先放輕鬆~~另外~~前後的卡八拉十字是很 <br>
中要的^^ <br>
2. 雙手舉起~~成一個十字~~說inri. 然後說 yod nun resh yod (yode-noon- <br>
raysh-yode), 把這幾個字(yod nun resh yod)用希伯萊文畫在空中~由右到左~ <br>
當你在說的時後. 把他們識覺化~~閃著籃色的閃光 <br>
3. 再一次把手舉起成一個十字~~說 the sign of osiris slain. <br>
4. 持續把手臂張開~~把右手舉起向天~~你的手指應該要合併~~掌心向前~~ <br>
你的手臂應該看起來像個l 然後說 l, the sign of the mourning of isis. <br>
5. 把雙手舉起~~掌心向前~~成一個&quot;v&quot;型大約六十度~~把頭向後頃然後說 <br>
v, the sign of typhon and apophis. <br>
6. 將你的雙手形成x狀~~你的掌心對向你~~頭往前頃~~說 x, the sign of <br>
osiris risen. <br>
7. 在把雙手形成剛才的字母(l.v. x.)~~唸出來, 然後把手成一個十字然後 <br>
說, lvx (lukes). <br>
8. 繼續把你的手張著然後說, the light…...過了一會而~~把手形成剛才的x <br>
然後繼續剛才沒說完的~~…of the cross. <br>
9. 再把手形成一個十字~~然後在你說下面的咒文時~~開始慢慢的把你的手 <br>
臂舉高~~頭慢慢後仰成一個v字. virgo, isis, mighty mother, scorpio, apophis, <br>
destroyer, sol, osiris, slain, and risen, isis, apophis, osiris 然後強烈的唸出 iao <br>
(ee-ah-oh). 你的頭現在應該完全往後仰~~手成一個v~~注意在你上方的白光 <br>
然後說, let the divine light descend. <br>
10. 慢慢的把你的手再一次行成一個x在你胸前~~當你這麼做時~~感覺那神 <br>
聖的光芒在你體內下降~~讓他供應給你的身體一會. <br>
11. 走到你的圓環的東方~~用你的魔杖或手指~~畫下一個帶表火的六芒星 <br>
(畫法請見圖形3.3)~~讓他閃著金光~~並像小五芒星儀式裡一樣~~唸 <br>
ararita (ah-rah-ree-tah)~~並讓他充滿力量 <br>
12. 走到圓環的南方~~像小五芒星裡一樣畫出白線~~然後畫出一個土之六 <br>
芒星~~唸ararita (ah-rah-ree-tah)~~並充滿他力量 <br>
13. 走到圓環的西方~~像小五芒星裡一樣畫出白線~~然後畫出一個風之六 <br>
芒星~~唸ararita (ah-rah-ree-tah)~~並充滿他力量~~ <br>
14. 走到圓環的北方~~像小五芒星裡一樣畫出白線~~然後畫出一個水之六 <br>
芒星~~唸ararita (ah-rah-ree-tah)~~並充滿他力量~~ <br>
15. 把圓環完成~~並做出關鍵字的分解 (步驟1~10) <br>
小五芒星驅逐儀式 (lbrp) <br>
小五芒星驅逐儀式 (lbrp) <br>
1. 站在房間的中間~~面對東方~~想像你是一個高聳的物體~~而地球變的非 <br>
常小並在你腳下~~知道你自己在宇宙的中央~~眼睛向上看並想像那裡有一 <br>
個閃著白光的光球~~看到那光球降下來到你頭上 <br>
2. 伸出你的右手(或短劍)把這白光拉到你額頭上~~唸出 atah(ah-tah) <br>
3. 把右手往下移~~感覺那白光像光柱一樣穿過你~~碰到胸口~~再繼續往下 <br>
~~手指向下~~唸出 malkuth (mah-kooth)想像光柱通過你的額頭一直到地 <br>
上 <br>
4. 把手放在你的右肩上~~想像那一道光芒從你身體中央的光柱中伸出~~並 <br>
碰到你的手指(短劍)然後跑到你右邊的空間~~唸 ve-geburah (v’ge-boo- <br>
rah) <br>
5. 把手放在你的左肩上~~想像那一道光芒從你身體中央的光柱中伸出~~並 <br>
碰到你的手指(短劍)然後跑到你左邊的空間 唸 ve-gedulah (v’ge-doo- <br>
lah) <br>
6. 把你兩隻手都拿到胸前~~握在一起~~像你在禱告一般~~唸 le-olahm, <br>
amen (lay-oh-lahm, ah-men). 你現在站在著個十字架中央~~他的四個角會一 <br>
直延伸到宇宙的盡 (這裡為止叫做卡巴拉十字) <br>
7. 走到東方~~在你面前畫一個巨大的五芒星(看圖形3.1) 視覺化他閃著籃色 <br>
的光~~把你的雙手舉到頭的兩邊~~食指向前~~深吸一口氣~~用力把你的手 <br>
臂往前伸直~~把你的左腳向前移動 (這是進入者的記號)~同時唸出 yod <br>
heh vav heh (yode-heh-vahv-heh). 感覺這個力量之名的能量~~從你的生體 <br>
~~跑到你的指尖~~然後進入那還在閃光的五芒星~~當完成後~~把你的左腳 <br>
移回來~~再次站直~~把你的左手食指放在你嘴唇上~~像在叫人安靜 (這是 <br>
沉默的記號)~~你的右手該還是伸直的 <br>
8. 你的手指或短劍現在還是該觸摸著五芒星~~而你的手臂還是伸直的~~從 <br>
東方如繞圓般的走向南方~~想像你的指尖或短劍在空中製造出一條閃著白 <br>
光的線~~當你到南方時~~你會製造1/4個閃著白光的圓環(90度角)~~這會把 <br>
在東方的五芒星和你將畫的五芒星連起來~~向剛才一樣的畫出閃著藍光的 <br>
五芒星~~然後做出進入者的記號~~這一次~~唸 adonai (ah-doe-nye) 做出 <br>
沉默的記號~~記得把你的手在你面前伸直 <br>
9. 把白線遷到西邊~~並重覆前一個步驟的畫五芒星~~並幫祂充力量~~可是 <br>
這一次~~唸 eheieh (eh-hey-yay). <br>
10. 把白線遷到北邊~~並重覆前一個步驟的畫五芒星~~並幫祂充力量~~可 <br>
是這一次~~唸 agla (ah-gah-lah). <br>
11. 現在把白線遷回東方來完成那圓環~~現在你身邊該有四個閃著藍光的 <br>
五芒星~~走回圓環的中間~~並順時針轉一圈~~並面向東方 <br>
12. 再次視覺化那巨大的卡八啦十字出現在你面前~~並伸出你的手臂來跟 <br>
著形成這個十字架~~看著東方然後說 before me, raphael (rah-fay-el)~~記 <br>
得用唸力量之名的方法來唸這個大天使的名字~~現在用張開眼睛視覺化的 <br>
方法~~看到這個大天使高聳的站在你面前~~身穿黃色和紫色的袍子~~試著 <br>
感覺風在你臉上 <br>
13. 想像另一個大天使出現在你背後然後唸出 behind me, gabriel (gah-bree- <br>
el). 再一次~~記得用唸力量之名的方法來唸這個大天使的名字~~現在~~閉 <br>
起眼睛來視覺化這個代表水的大天使站在你背後~~看到他高聳的站在你身 <br>
後~~身穿藍色~~和橘色的袍子~~試著去感覺他的濕氣 <br>
14. 張開你的眼睛~~並轉頭看過你的右肩~~同時唸出 on my right, michael <br>
(mee-chai-el)~~當唸出這名字時~~視覺化這個火之大天使出現在那~~身穿紅 <br>
色~~和綠色的袍子~~試著去感覺火的溫度 <br>
15. 轉頭看過你的左肩~~同時唸出 on my left, auriel (ohr-ee-el)~~在唸完這 <br>
個大天使的名字後~~視覺化這個土之大天使~~身穿綠色~~橄欖色~~黃褐色 <br>
~~和黑色的袍子~~試著去感覺從這個原素來的物體 (石頭~~土塊等等) <br>
16. 再次往前面(東方)看~~並凝視你周圍的五芒星~~唸出 for around me <br>
shines the pentagram…~~然後視覺化一個光耀的(金光)五芒星出現在你胸口 <br>
~~然後說 …and within me shines the six-rayed star. <br>
17. 再做出卡八拉十字 (步驟1-6)來結束儀式 <br>

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-7 13:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />瞭望臺(翻译)<br>
瞭望臺的開啟 <br>
瞭望臺的開啟是一個金色黎明的成員名叫 israel regardie 所設計來當做是另一個使用這個組織的一個叫做 “至高無上的五芒星召喚儀式”的選擇它包含著很多神秘學系統的片段,包括“the oracles of zoroaster”和這enochian 之鑰,並且,它大概是現代時代流行的儀式中最神奇的一個了. <br>
要讓這個儀式真正的有效,這儀式用聖別過的魔法道具來職行。這包括這四原素的法器和令牌,合併的令牌,和在小五芒星,六芒星儀式裡用的短劍,和魔杖。在那之前,你還是該開始練習這個儀式,用更簡單的道具來代表那些法器?一根羽毛能當做風來用,一根蠟燭或火柴可以代表火來用,一杯水來代表水,和一個裝著鹽的木碗來代表地。暫時用的四原素另牌也可以被製造.一張在東方的黃色工程紙可以代表水,一個藍色的在西方代表水,一個紅色的在南方代表火,一個黑色的在這北方代表地。合併的令牌可以被畫在一張紙上 <br>
e--x--a--r--p <br>
h--c--o--m--a <br>
n--a--n--t--a <br>
b--i--t--o--m <br>
這個儀式是把你當做有正確的法器所寫的。但是現在,你可以放心的用其他道具來代表這些道賀。不像驅逐儀式,這個儀式不需要每天練。然而,試著熟練他,因為你將會在每個召喚儀式前職行它。我建議你把它寫在索引卡上,並在你能把這個儀式背下來之前能夠從上面閱讀職行方法。不過你也不必擔心會學不會這個儀式,它其實比他看起來好背。 <br>
1.在你要職行這個儀式的房間裡放一個聖壇,把你的法器放在他們屬於的原素方位。風的短劍應該放在聖壇的東邊,火杖在這南方,聖杯在西方,而五芒星盤在北方.。在這神壇的中心,放上合併的令牌。並且,確定四大原素令牌是掛在屬於他們方位的牆壁上。(北方是地,東方是風,南方是火,和西方是水。把你的做小五芒星儀式的短劍,和做六芒星儀式的魔杖分別放在神壇的西南和西北角落。站在聖壇後面) <br>
2. 面向東方,用右手拿起你在小五芒星儀式裡用的短劍並用的他的把手來敲三下你的聖壇。然後走到你魔法圈的東北邊 (順時針走) 並強烈,有自信的唸出下面的,hekas, hekas este bebeloi (hay-kahs, hay-kahs es-stay bee-beh-loy)! 這個咒文命令所有不想要的靈體離開,因為儀式要開始了 <br>
3. 以順時針的方法,回到你儀式開始前站的地方,面對東方。職行小五芒星,六芒星儀式,確定你結束在關鍵字的分解 <br>
註: 不管在什麼時候,除非被叫不要走順時針的方法,不然在做任何儀式時都以順時針的方式移動 <br>
4. 以順時針的方法走到聖壇的南方,並拿起火魔杖。面對著在南邊的火原素的令牌。把火杖在令牌前的空氣中順時針畫三遍,然後把他舉起。以順時針的方式在房間裡繞圈子走,並一邊說 : and when, after all the phantoms are banished, thou shalt see the holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the universe, hear thou the voice of fire. <br>
5. 當你到來回到這南方時,再次面對著同樣的令牌,並再次用火仗在令牌前的空氣中順時針揮三遍。然後用這個法器來在令牌前的空氣中畫一個巨大的藍色的火之召喚五芒星。當在這麼做時,震出oip teaa pedoce (oh-ee-pay the-ah-ah peh-doe-kay)。然後在這個五芒星裡用紅色 (視覺化) 畫出獅子的圖案。用火杖指著它,並震出: elohim (el-oh-heem)。舉起火杖並說 : in the names and letters of the great southern quadrangle, i invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the south! 把火杖放回聖臺. <br>
6. 以順時針的方法走到聖壇的西方,並拿起聖杯。面對著在西邊的水原素的令牌。把聖杯在令牌前的空氣中順時針畫三遍。把聖杯舉在你頭上, 以順時針的方式繞著你的魔法圈走,並一邊說 : so therefore first, the priest who governeth the works of fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud resounding sea. <br>
7. 當你回到西方時,用聖杯在水的令牌前揮三次,然後用這個法器來在令牌前的空氣中畫一個巨大的藍色的水之召喚五芒星,一邊在畫時震出,mph arsel gaiol (ehm-pay-hay ahr-sell gah-ee-ohl). 然後在五芒星中畫出老鷹頭的圖案. 用聖杯指著五芒星的中心,並震出:aleph lamed al (ah-lef lah-medahl). 把聖杯舉在你頭上,並說:in the names and letters of the great western quadrangle, i invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the west. 把聖杯放回聖壇上 <br>
8. 以順時針的方法走到聖壇的東方,拿起風之短劍,並面向風原素的令牌。把短劍在令牌前揮三次,然後把他舉到你頭上。以順時針的方式繞著你的魔法圈走,把風之短劍拿在高空中,並一邊說:such a fire existeth, extending through the rushing of air. or even a fire formless, whence cometh the image of a voice. or even flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud. <br>
9. 當你回到東邊時,在次把這個法器在同樣的令牌前揮三次,然後畫下一個巨大的藍色風之召喚五芒星,並一邊震出oro ibah aozpi (oh-row ee-bah-hah ah-oh-zohd-pee). 然後在五芒星中間畫下一個黃色的水瓶座記號。用風短劍指著五芒星的中間,並震出:yod heh vav heh (yode-heh-vahv-heh). 把風之短劍舉在高空並說:in the names and letters of the great eastern quadrangle, i invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the east.風之短劍放回聖壇. <br>
10. 以順時針的方法走到聖壇的北方並拿起五芒星盤。面對地原素的令牌,並用五芒星盤在令牌前揮三次,然後以順時針的方式繞著你的魔法圈走,把五芒星盤拿在高空中,並一邊說:stoop not down into the darkly splendid world, wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding; a black ever-rolling abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless, and void.. <br>
11. 當你回到北方時,再用五芒星盤在令牌前揮三次,然後畫下一個巨大的藍色地之召喚五芒星,並一邊震出emor dial hectega (ee-mohrdee-ahl hec-tey-gah). 在五芒星中間,畫下一個白色的金牛座記號。用五星盤來指著這個五芒星的中心,並震出:adonai (ah-doe-nye). 然後把五芒星盤舉在你頭上,並說:in the names and letter of the great northern quadrangle, i invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the north.把五芒星盤放回聖壇上。 <br>
12. 以順時針的方式回到你的聖壇的西邊,並面向東邊在你的聖壇和合併的令牌上,做出打開砂幕的記號;伸出你的左腳,同時,推出你的雙臂,手心向前,並且靠在一起。然後把你的雙臂分開,像你在打開兩個窗簾一般 <br>
13. 念出下面的 enochian 咒文,並震出大寫的字母:ol sonuf vaorsagi goho iada balta. elexarpeh comananu tabitom. zodakara eka zodakare od zodameranu. odo kikle qaa piap piamoel od vaoan. (oh-ell soh-noof vay-oh-air-sah-jee goh-hoh ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. el-ex-ar-pay-hay co-mah-nah-noo tah-bee-toh-ehm. zohd-ah-kah-rah eh-kah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ahmehr-ah-noo oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-moh-ehl oh-dah vay-on-ah-noo) 這翻譯到:&quot;我統治你,念出指意之神。(三個魔法名)移動,因此,移動並出現。打開創造的秘密:平衡,公正,和事實 <br>
14. 念出下面的咒文:i invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe. be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. keep for removed the evil and the unbalanced. strengthen and inspire me so that i may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal gods. let my sphere be pure and holy so that i may enter and become a partaker of the secrets of the light divine. <br>
15.以順時針的方式移到你的魔法圈的東北方,並面向那個方向。唸出下面的咒文:the visible sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. let me therefor form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of the spirit may shine therein from above. <br>
16. 繞著你的魔法圈,以順時針的方式走三圈。每當你經過東方時,往你在移動的方向做出進入者的記號 (把你的雙手帶到你頭的兩邊把你的手臂推出,同時,把你的左腳伸前。)這就是你如何做出你之前說過的漩渦。當你第三次經過東邊,並做出進入者的記號後,回到你聖壇的西方並面向東方。你應該會感覺到一個如漩渦般的力量在你的魔法圈裡。 <br>
17. 做出進入者的記號,並說:holy art thou, lord of the universe. <br>
再做出進入者的記號,並說:holy art thou, whom nature hath not formed <br>
再一次做出進入者的記號,並說:holy art thou, the vast and mighty one. lord of the light and of the darkness.現在做出寧靜的記號 (把你的食指放在嘴唇上,好像你在叫一個人安靜) <br>
18. 在你完成你想要完成的魔法,並想要結束那個儀式後,說下面的咒文:unto thee, sole wise, sole eternal, and sole merciful one, be the praise and glory forever, who has permitted me who standeth humbly before thee to enter into this far into the sanctuary of the mysteries. not unto me but unto thy nane be the glory. let the influence of thy divine ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrifice so that i shrink not in the hour of my trial, but that thus my name may be written on high and my genius stand in the presence of the holy ones. <br>
19.現在繞著魔法圈逆時針走三圈 <br>
每當你經過東方時,往你在移動的方向做出進入者的記號 <br>
你之前所製造的力量漩渦應該開始消失了 <br>
20. 做出小五芒星,以及六芒星儀式 <br>
21. 唸出下面的咒語,記得要震出大寫的字:i now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ceremony. depart in peace to your abodes and habitation, and go with the blessings of yeheshuah yehovashah (yeh-hay-shoe-ah yeh-ho-vah-shah). <br>
22. 用右手拿起你在小五芒星儀式裡用的短劍並用的他的把手來敲三下你的聖壇,並說:i now declare this temple duly close. <br>
註:這個儀式的步驟 19 到 22 被稱為瞭望台的關閉<br>

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-7 13:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />了望台魔法原文<br>
這是一個強大的結界 <br>
在儀式之前,你可以→光球→卡巴拉十字→十字玫瑰→五芒星→六芒星→瞭望台 <br>
如果這個瞭望台做好的話,可以防負能量的入侵,也可以加強儀式的力量 <br>
以上都是自我防禦,接下來就是這個瞭望台: <br>
the opening by watchtower <br>
the opening by watchtower was designed by a golden dawn initiate named israel <br>
regardie as an alternative to supreme invoking ritual of the pentagram used by the <br>
order. it contained verses from various mystical sources, including the oracles of <br>
zoroaster and the enochian keys, and is probably the most inspirational ritual opening <br>
used in the modern era. <br>
to be truly effective, this ritual should be performed with consecrated magical <br>
implements. this includes the four elemental weapons and tablets, the tablet of union, <br>
and the dagger and wand used in the lbrp and brh. in the meantime, you should <br>
begin practicing this ritual anyway, using much simpler representations of the tools. a <br>
feather can be used for air, a candle or match for fire, a cup of water for water, and a <br>
wooden bowl of salt for earth. temporary elemental tablets can also be constructed. a <br>
yellow sheet of construction paper in the east will serve for water, and a black one in <br>
the north for earth. the tablet of union can be drawn on a white piece of paper <br>
e x a r p <br>
h c o m a <br>
n a n t a <br>
b i t o m <br>
this ritual is written as if you are using the correct tools or implements. for now, feel <br>
free to substitute the above-mentioned implements. unlike the banishing rituals, this rite <br>
does not have to be practiced on a daily basis. however, try to become familiar with it, <br>
as you will be performing it before every evocation. i suggest you write it out on index <br>
cards and read from them until you memorize the ritual. don’t worry about trying to <br>
learn this ritual, it is really a lot easier to commit to memory than it seems to be at first <br>
glance. <br>
1. prepare an altar in the center of the room. position the magical tools on the altar so <br>
each is closest to the elemental quarter it represents. the air dagger should be placed <br>
on the east side of the altar, the fire wand on the south, the water cup on the west, and <br>
the earth pentacle on the north. in the altar’s center, placed the tablet of union. also, <br>
make sure the elemental tablets are positioned on the correct walls or on stands in the <br>
correct quarter. (north for earth, east for air, south for fire, and west for water.) have <br>
your dagger for the lbrp and your wand for the brh on the southwest and northwest <br>
corners of the altar, respectively. stand behind the altar, facing east. <br>
2. pick up the dagger used for the lbrp with your right hand and knock on the altar <br>
three times using its handle. then walk to the northeast of your circle (move clockwise) <br>
and say loudly with meaning, hekas, hekas este bebeloi (hay-kahs, hay-kahs es-stay <br>
bee-beh-loy)! this commands all unwanted entities to leave the area because a ritual is <br>
about to begin. <br>
3. moving clockwise, return to your place behind the altar, facing east. perform the <br>
lbrp and the brh, make sure to finish with the analysis of the keyword. <br>
note: when moving around the altar to pick up the magical tools in the following steps, <br>
or when pivoting to face the direction of that tool, always move clockwise. <br>
4. move clockwise to the south of the altar and pick up the fire wand. pivot and face <br>
the elemental tablet of fire in the south. wave your wand three times in the air, in <br>
front of the tablet, and the raise it. walk clockwise around the room, keeping the wand <br>
raised, while you say, and when, after all the phantoms are banished, thou shalt see the <br>
holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of <br>
the universe, hear thou the voice of fire. <br>
5. when you come back to the south, face the tablet and wave the wand in front of it <br>
again three times. then use the tool to trace a large, blue invoking pentagram of fire in <br>
the air before the tablet. while doing so, vibrate oip teaa pedoce (oh-ee-pay the- <br>
ah-ah peh-doe-kay). then trace the figure of leo in the center of this pentagram in red. <br>
point to the center of it with the wand and vibrate elohim (el-oh-heem). lift the <br>
wand and say, in the names and letters of the great southern quadrangle, i invoke ye, <br>
ye angels of the watchtower of the south! put the wand back on the altar. <br>
6. move clockwise to the west of the altar and pick up the water cup. face the <br>
elemental tablet of water and wave the cup before it three times. lift the cup above <br>
your head, and walk clockwise around the circle saying, so therefore first, the priest <br>
who governeth the works of fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud <br>
resounding sea. <br>
7. when you return to the west, wave the cup three times in front of the tablet. trace a <br>
large, blue invoking pentagram of water using the tool, while vibrating, mph arsel <br>
gaiol (ehm-pay-hay ahr-sell gah-ee-ohl). then trace the blue eagle head in the center. <br>
point at the center of this pentagram with the cup and vibrate aleph lamed al (ah- <br>
lef lah-medahl. hold the cup above your head and say, in the names and letters of the <br>
great western quadrangle, i invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the west. put <br>
the cup on the altar. <br>
8. move to the east of your altar, pick up the air dagger, and pivot to face the air <br>
tablet. wave the dagger before it three times, and lift it above your head. walk <br>
clockwise around the room with the dagger in the air while you say, such a fire <br>
existeth, extending through the rushing of air. or even a fire formless, whence cometh <br>
the image of a voice. or even flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, <br>
crying aloud. <br>
9. when you arrive back at the east, wave the weapon in front of the tablet three more <br>
times. trace a large, blue invoking pentagram of air using the dagger while vibrating <br>
oro ibah aozpi (oh-row ee-bah-hah ah-oh-zohd-pee. the trace a yellow aquarius <br>
sign in the center. point at the center of the pentagram with the dagger and vibrate yod <br>
heh vav heh (yode-heh-vahv-heh). hold the dagger high and say, in the names <br>
and letters of the great eastern quadrangle, i invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of <br>
the east. replace the dagger on the altar. <br>
10. move clockwise to the north of the altar and pick up the earth pentacle. face the <br>
tablet of earth and wave the pentacle before it three times. then walk clockwise around <br>
the circle with the pentacle high in the air while saying, stoop not down into the darkly <br>
splendid world, wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and hades wrapped in <br>
gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding; a black ever-rolling <br>
abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless, and void. <br>
11. when you return to the north, wave the pentacle in front of the tablet three more <br>
times. then trace a large, blue invoking pentagram of earth using the pentacle, while <br>
vibrating emor dial hectega (ee-mohrdee-ahl hec-tey-gah). in the center, trace a <br>
white taurus sign. point at the center of the pentagram with the pentacle and vibrate <br>
adonai (ah-doe-nye). then hold the pentacle above your head and say, in the names <br>
and letter of the great northern quadrangle, i invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower <br>
of the north. return the pentacle to the altar. <br>
12. move clockwise to the west side of your altar and face east. over the altar and <br>
tablet of union, make the following sign of the rending of the veil; step forward with <br>
your left foot an d, at the same time, thrust your arms, palms together, forward. then <br>
separate your arms as if you were separating two curtains. <br>
13. say the following in the enochian, vibrating the words in the capital letters: ol <br>
sonuf vaorsagi goho iada balta. elexarpeh comananu tabitom. zodakara <br>
eka zodakare od zodameranu. odo kikle qaa piap piamoel od vaoan. (oh-ell soh- <br>
noof vay-oh-air-sah-jee goh-hoh ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. el-ex-ar-pay-hay co-mah-nah-noo <br>
tah-bee-toh-ehm. zohd-ah-kah-rah eh-kah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ahmehr-ah- <br>
noo oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-moh-ehl oh-dah vay-on-ah-noo). this <br>
translates to: “i reign over you, say the god of justice. (three magical names) move, <br>
therefore, move and appear. open the mysteries of creation: balance, righteousness, and <br>
truth <br>
14. say the following: i invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is <br>
in the invisible. ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe. be ye also the <br>
guardians of this mystic sphere. keep for removed the evil and the unbalanced. <br>
strengthen and inspire me so that i may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries <br>
of the eternal gods. let my sphere be pure and holy so that i may enter and become a <br>
partaker of the secrets of the light divine. <br>
15. move clockwise to the northeast corner of your circle and face that direction. say the <br>
following: the visible sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. let me therefor form a <br>
vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of the spirit may shine therein from above. <br>
16. walk clockwise around your circle three times. each times you pass the east, make <br>
the sign of the enterer (bring your hands up to the sides of your head and point both <br>
pointer fingers forward. thrust both of your arms forwards as you advance with your <br>
left foot.) in the direction you are moving. this is how you form the vortex mentioned <br>
in the last step. after the third time you pass the east and make the sign of the enterer, <br>
return to the west of your altar and face east. you should feel the vortex of energy in <br>
your circle. <br>
17. make the sign of the enterer and say, holy art thou, lord of the universe. make <br>
the sign of the enterer again and say, holy art thou, whom nature hath not formed. <br>
make the sign of the enterer one more time and say, holy art thou, the vast and <br>
mighty one. lord of the light and of the darkness. now the sign of silence (put your <br>
left index finger on your lips, as if you are telling some to be silent) <br>
18. after you perform whatever magical work you want to accomplish and are ready to <br>
end the ceremony, say the following: unto thee, sole wise, sole eternal, and sole <br>
merciful one, be the praise and glory forever, who has permitted me who standeth <br>
humbly before thee to enter into this far into the sanctuary of the mysteries. not unto <br>
me but unto thy nane be the glory. let the influence of thy divine ones descend upon <br>
my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrifice so that i shrink not in the hour of my <br>
trial, but that thus my name may be written on high and my genius stand in the presence <br>
of the holy ones. <br>
19. now walk around the circle three times, counterclockwise. give the sign of the <br>
enterer as you pass the east, in the direction you are walking. the vortex of energy you <br>
created earlier should now begin to fade away. <br>
20. perform the lbrp and the brh. <br>
21. say the following, making sure to vibrate the words in capital letters: i now release <br>
any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ceremony. depart in peace to your <br>
abodes and habitation, and go with the blessings of yeheshuah yehovashah <br>
(yeh-hay-shoe-ah yeh-ho-vah-shah). <br>
22. knock three times on the altar with the handle of the dagger you used to perform the <br>
lbrp and say, i now declare this temple duly close. <br>
note: steps 19 to 22 of this ritual are known collectively as the closing by watchtower.<br>

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-7 13:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />卡巴拉十字术式<br>
qabalan十字术式 , 是高等魔法實踐中不可或缺的一環,他同時也有各種功能,如:大儀式舉行的前后自我灵体防御,魔法道具的純化(聖別)和初期化(注入力量 ) , 低級靈及惡魔的驅除,精靈召喚等等...而這些是必須靠每日的修行來熟練.總之,魔法的一切知識,希望大家是去熟練而不是死背!<br>
魔法的發動,異世界的溝通,靠著術式練習讓自己升級! 術式,如同各位所知有大有小:<br>
1.小術式: 一般用於自我防禦,靈體純化 <br>
2.大術式: 主要用於精靈召喚魔術 隨著不同屬性的五(六)芒星的配置 , 天使語及咒文的吟<br>
術式可以成就更高深的魔法實踐 , 也可以進行世界創造..但是我希望初學的各位能夠把基本<br>
的修行先熟練起來 , 讓自我精神力量到達一定程度且能駕馭各種能量之後,再考慮朝大術式挑<br>
戰,否則一下子想要召喚精靈 , 是很可能因為自我定向不足 ,和功力尚淺等原因而導致意 想<br>
不到的後果 , 請各位注意! 在往更深的術式挑戰之前 , 希望大家能夠熟練以下的基本術式:<br>
這是最簡單的術式 , 可用於自己精神的純化及進行魔法作業前後的自我防禦<br>
1.想像自己的形體無限大,地球無限小,放鬆全身 , 調整呼吸 ....接著 , 想像頭上有一個閃<br>
閃發光的光球 , 你能感覺到他了嗎 ? 可以的話,朝下一步<br>
2.想像光球放出光亮將你全身包圍 , 如果成功 , 請用魔術劍頂端輕輕觸碰額頭(一般初學以<br>
手刀代替 , 即:猜拳時的剪刀 , 食指和中指緊合)並吟唱咒文:[atah..]唸法:集中精神,拉長<br>
尾音,聲音要渾厚以使空間共鳴 此處唸法:[atahhhhhhhh.....]<br>
3.接著 , 以手刀觸碰(指向)胸口,這時的咒文是:[malkuth]...唸法:[mal....kuuuuuuuthhh<br>
hhh...] 這裡的重點是想像光球放射一道直線光芒 , 直直貫穿你 , 從頭頂沿著脊椎到你腳底<br>
.. <br>
4.再來,以手刀碰觸右肩,如此吟唱 : [ve-geburah]=[ve-geburahhhhhhhhh....] <br>
5. 其次從右肩畫一道光線到左肩 , 吟唱:[ve-gedulah]=[ve-gedulahhhhh.....] <br>
6.最後 , 兩手和十緊貼腹部吟唱 : [雷 , 歐拉姆...a-men(阿 們)] 如果各位一切順利 , <br>
應可發現光線已經成為十字型 , 那麼請大家把他練熟 , 一定有意想不到的效果 此術式練好<br>
之後 , 你可以進行以下的術式了。(此魔法十分重要,许多大型法术发动前,它是必施的法术之一。例如我以后将告诉大家的漂浮术和了望台法术都需要用到它,因此需要大家将此法术记牢,这对你以后的修行很有好处!)<br>

发表于 2004-3-7 13:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />哦,看了你的签名,那是x的撒旦君翻译的《黑暗之诗》中的一部分,呵呵,只可惜那里实在太乱了,我已经不怎么去了。。。<br>

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-7 14:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />呵呵,下次会注意啦!大不了我写一篇恶魔城同人来赔礼道歉啦!玫瑰我是很擅长写文文的哦!

发表于 2004-3-7 16:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />好啊~<br>

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-10 20:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-8 13:44 编辑 <br /><br />已经贴出来了,请注意查收……呵呵……

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