2016-8-11 07:08 编辑 <br /><br /> 前一段时间就有报道过在欧洲有一批NDS游戏发售延期,这次又报道KONAMI的大作《恶魔城 废墟的肖像》也要延期到2007年2月份。赶不上圣诞期间发售不知道对KONAMI来说是不是一大损失。
The flood of European delays is absolutely endless. I feel as if Euro delays are the only news I am reporting on lately…and I feel horrible about it.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin is the latest casuality in European software release lists. The title is now slated for February 2007. The game’s online features are said to be the reason behind the delay. Hopefully this will be the one and only delay the title sees in Europe.