本帖最后由 jojo1234 于 2024-11-22 19:23 编辑
出差顺便在家一周 找到了记忆卡(最早的PS记忆卡) 大家说我怎么把记忆存档导出来?
一個多年的糾結問題。。。刚开始玩月下的时候是98年的十月份了。那个时候还上高中。 只有中午午休的时候去租PS的游戏室玩。我想这可能是大家多少都有的经历吧?自己带了记忆卡去的。 现在那块卡我还留着呢。 好了我来说一下我的问题。 在打了70个小时正城逆城 以及GOOD ending之后我又开了一个新的纪录换了名字来玩。 有一次游戏室的老板(其实游戏室就是他家的客厅)走过来问我:“你打出那个无名戒指了么? ” 我当时自视自己全部都收的差不多了, 但是还是好奇的,于是问他 “什么是无名戒指?” 我调出记录 给他看了我的无限消费戒指。他说不是这个。 我当时的新存档刚来到恶魔城最上部之前的那个像乌鸦一样的BOSS处(就是图鉴里面的88号敌人 那个黑色的恶魔 喜欢放羽毛攻击的那个。老板说正好帮你打出来。 于是 他把我的装备的剑 换成最普通的小匕首了 。 我正在惊奇呢。 他就进去打那个恶魔老怪了。 不奇怪用小匕首会打很久很久。 我就耐心看着、、、、终于很奇怪的 那个恶魔头上多了一个光球。 我记得不是很清楚是不是像黑暗里希特头上的那个。 这个时候 老板开始集中攻击光球。。。最后光球破了, 老怪也同时挂了。 掉下一个戒指。 老板说 看 就是这个。 我当时不以为意。 只是觉得好玩罢了。 老板这样演示了一下用途。 装备这个戒指后 天花板上的刺刺到。。会加血!! 但是同时也会被吹飞就是了。 在逆城的那些带刺的小车哪里也是一样的效果!! 这个戒指没有名字。。。外形看起来像是一块长方形的绿宝石 不过有些墨绿色就是了。 之后我就没有再在PS上玩很多了 因为要高考。 在后来 在大学里面 我用PS模拟器也玩了很多次恶魔城。。但是 无论如何 都没有再打出来过那个戒指。。 大家觉得那个戒指是什么呢? 是不是因为当时的版本问题?初期版? 初回版? 我的有感兴趣的朋友请联系我哦!
附件是最近实验的结果,并不是打出来的截图 光球是这个boss攻击时打败他遗留下来的而不是我当年记忆中在boss头上出来的。这个截图的光球是没有用处的。 也不能打不能碰。
强烈怀疑的有两点: 第一 当时这个租机室的老板很有把握的说帮我打出来 那说明他有办法每次都打出这个 BUG 道具。
第二我觉得这个道具的名字之所以没有是因为它是没有开发完全的道具 或者被屏蔽的什么道具。
另外这个经历是十一年前的了。 也许有我的一些对它怎么打出来的臆想或是混杂的记忆。。。 但我很确定是这个BOSS 的地方打出来的。 那个老板换小刀也是怕一下把它砍死吧。
搞笑一下: 记得我那次让老板帮我打的时候 他还帮我下了碗面 我边吃边看的。那个年代啊 12点放学 杀去老板那里 12点还要上课. 饿大家见谅我这段下面的场景让你喷饭了:call14:
用Emucheat 改过全道具了 土星的也试过 但是没有这个道具
我觉得是因为它是个开发中的道具 不在正常的道具之内. 因为我记得很清楚它是没有名字 没有说明 使用后也没有任何属性的增加或者减少.
被刺撞上加血而且不被吹飞 也是后来偶然一次出来的.
会不会是游戏制作的时候用来测试的道具? 比如他们测试的时候不能用金手指改出防刺装甲?
具体的案发效果是这样的。 那个时候还有没有金手指。。至少我是从来没用过。
这个戒指(或者说是个宝石吧 看起来没有指轮的样子 就是方方的绿色的一小块)
出现那个效果 是在打出来后的半年后。 那个时候打算把什么小道具啊 全都打出来。 于是就在各个地方 刷敌人。 第一次是在逆城。大家记得有种小车似的的机关 带刺的 你一落地一对小车就会往中间自动撞你的那种。对 我可能是无意中装备了一个那个戒指。 不小心又被小车撞到,在我以为A少会惨叫然后冒血的时候。 我记得 A少身上浮出一个绿色的数字, 加到了左上角的HP上。。。当时很奇怪啊!怎么会有这种事。
也许我当时也装备了三个小球形状的那个替身装备 所以究竟这个戒指会不会防止吹飞的效果 我现在记不清了。
恢复的效果 和用某吸血剑 击打烛台或者敌人的效果很相似。 只不过回复的量比较大 都是15左右(我当时的HP是 1200多还是1500多 不记得了)
然后在逆城 不是有很多刺的地板么?(就是正城应该是天花板的刺的那种地形)。
同样有效。 但是我记得是会吹飞的。 不然我就一路往前冲了。
更新 2010年 3月 3日 周四更新。。。
Bug 兄 今天去了周围了一圈 游戏店 我的记忆卡没弄出来。
结论是: 有可能我这是组装记忆卡的原因
2012 年 又过了两年啦
这个奇怪的产物 在问了高中好友之后 最终还是没有答案啦. 我截屏了qq聊天记录
2024 年末 我又回来了 熟悉的web 1.0 论坛怎么看怎么舒服
翻了一下上面的回复: 最近有人说知道这个戒指,是这么解释的 ''这是一个bug,因为吸血盾(合成的)制作过程中直接是无敌的敌人攻击,刺,水底下(不开美人鱼魔法)中都能回血,当时游戏已经制作完毕了,后来觉得吸血盾太无敌影响游戏环节而且很无聊,所以一个道具的形式除去了部分回血功能直接做成一个戒指(有可能是项链)分离出来了,放在怪身上幸运值高了会爆出来,所以 以贴图方式放在了某个地方,可是现在这个戒指输入代码后才会有 代码是BUG7193.''
另外还有一个网友Youda 这么说的

就是这里,但是在冰 (我觉得他说的是岩石) 的中间,就是变狗变蝙蝠触动机关的位置,可以无限刷出,游戏一开始就可以得到,但是不知道方法。
收起回复禁言 |删除18楼2016-09-20 13:16
广发打杂: 要进入里边,是吧?
禁言 | 删除 | 2016-9-20 13:22回复
美味的杏鲍菇: 回复 广发打杂 :是的,要进入冰的正中间。但不是变身,游戏一开始就能得到,而且是无限得,也就是A殿1级时就可以得到,但是我不知道方法,99年时我只看在游戏厅的大哥哥用很特别的方法得到,因为A殿在冰里面所以看不到人物的动作。
这两天发了个大愿 GameFAQ reddit 4ch 5ch romhacking rustedlogic The Cutting Room Floor 都发过贴了 看看有没有一点点线索--昨晚上还去了X 找到了Iga 五十岚大哥看能不能看到我的私信...
其中TCRF 也就是The Cutting Room Floor 有一个比较详细的解包后开发者未使用的素材 要素 音乐等等一览 这其中没有提到这个道具
这么多年来 断断续续看到碎片中的一些见过的人的反应 我觉得这玩意现在看来比较倾向于这几个可能性:
我玩到的这是日文版 就以日本的发售版本来说了
1. PS上 第一次发售是 三月 20号, 1997
2. 我玩到的时候是98年10月
综合其他的一些线索, 无名戒指只是我的叫法 有的管它叫乌鸦戒指, 说是钟楼Boss或者逆城的同款妖怪编号87 乌鸦之王
Rom 和模拟器之后满天飞的情况下 这个饰品怎么都没再出来过 我感觉当年玩的是某个小范围早起的改版--鉴于时间还在通讯不发达的1998年 有这个改版的人一定是知道如何在游戏中拿到它 前提是用这个版本.
我现在就很想试试能不能从到早期的版本入手 或者是有这么一个dev build 开发版?
贴吧上一个Youda的网友和他的朋友(感觉是发小?) 说了当时他们那边的版本是在刚入城那块能破坏的大岩石内部用某种方法得到的 而且是可以无限的拿那种.
这是The Cutting Room Floor解包出来的未使用元素, 一般来说TCRF解包是非常彻底的, 但 一般都是基于英语版本.
Richter Sprites
Palettes for several alternate color schemes are loaded when playing as or fighting Richter. The green and gray schemes are very similar to the palettes used in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood when he is cursed.
Unused animation of Richter doing some sort of spin jump. This was later used for his double jump in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, where he is an unlockable playable character.
Richter doing a spin kick. He later acquired this move in Portrait of Ruin.
Richter doing a sweep kick. Was later used as part of his hidden combo move in Portrait of Ruin minus the last frame, which in that game is actually occupied as an unused air dive kick attack startup that wouldn't make its debut until Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
Another powerup sort of move of Richter doing punches at the air. It's similar to the animation he uses when powering up his whip and subweapons during the battle against him, but not the same.
A frame of Richter's stair climbing animation from Rondo of Blood and Castlevania: Dracula X. This was likely included by accident, since only a single frame is present and Symphony of the Night treats stairs like ramps.
Unused frames meant for use in the super jump special move. The last four sprites seem to be for after the landing. Portrait of Ruin uses the first four frames for his super jump and the last three for when he's dismissed when playing as Maria.
Frames of Richter getting hit and rolling. These are used in Rondo of Blood and Dracula X when he takes damage from certain enemies (such as the Behemoth), and in Portrait of Ruin as a landing animation when falling from a great height. 
These frames seem to show Richter taking elemental damage such as electricity and being frozen in a block of ice. The first frame is used with an electrical overlay when Richter takes damage from certain enemies and obstacles in the Xbox Live Arcade version of the game, hinting at a possible intended use. Despite numerous palettes being loaded into VRAM when playing as Richter, none of them seem to fit the frozen sprite properly. The frozen sprite can actually be seen in-game by glitching Richter into the Lord Dracula battle; it uses his standard palette. Item Graphics
Two books, one with a hand on the cover and the other with a "?". Can be found alongside the money, sub-weapons, and Life and Heart Max Up graphics.
A rainbow-colored potion. Could be a Magic Max Up potion, since it is found alongside the Life and Heart Max Up graphics. Debug Tilesets
The complete tileset used in the aforementioned debug area. A number of tiles seen here are not present in the debug area itself, including "ボス" (boss) written in large letters, a red tile with "ドア" (door) written on it, a hunk of meat, and a red orb with "アイテム" (item) written underneath.
A much fancier marble version of the debug area tileset, found at the top of the tileset used in the center of the castle. This tileset features a wider variety of tile types including a candle, elemental symbols, a cracked tile, and the letters S A V E. 
The first solid block of this tileset can be seen in the overscan in several areas of the Saturn version, such as the Colosseum. It's likely that the tileset was used to construct the rough outline of each area before the final tilesets were applied.
An evil-looking face and what appears to be a sword thrust into a pile of gold, found in the above tileset. The text at the top reads "ボス" (boss).
Small CaveEntrance (PS1) | Reverse Entrance (PS1) | Entrance (Saturn) |  |  |  |
Toggle No Walls | Hatch Open
(Alucard only) | D0097490 1001
800730A8 0000
D0097490 4001
800730A8 000F | D00974A0 0007
80181104 0001 |
There's a small hatch in the ground at the entrance gate of the castle, which never opens at any point in the game. There is something beneath it, however, and it can be reached via glitches or by using GameShark codes to bypass the hatch. This hidden area consists of a small vertical cave with a save room at the end. Exiting the cave opens the hatch, allowing the area to be revisited normally. However, after visiting the Alchemy Laboratory or the Marble Gallery, the Entrance map is updated, the hatch is closed, and the save room in the cave visually glitches up, as shown above. Despite this, the save point still functions as it should. The cave also exists in the inverted castle, but that version's hatch can never be opened due to what seems to be a missing helper entity. The inverted area is nearly identical, but has a reddish palette, no water at the "bottom", and a red "CD hall" door in front of the visually-glitched save room. Notably, despite the areas being inaccessible and having no real purpose, they do add a combined 0.6% to your map exploration total, which can increase your percentage past the typical max of 200.6%. In the Saturn version, the hatch opens automatically after exiting to a new area, and the cave beneath has been modified: The water is no longer present, the exit has been moved about twice as far down, and breakable light posts have been added on some ledges. The save room has been replaced by a "CD hall" load room which leads to the Underground Garden (Hell Garden in the Inverted Castle), an area exclusive to the Saturn version. (Source: Edricks (no walls code))
Debug Area [size=12.3704px]
A map of the debug area without the randomly-placed tiles.

A debug area can be entered from the title screen with GameShark codes 80097918 0040 800974A0 0040. It consists of the room seen in the screenshot, a load room missing its angel statue entities to the left of it, and eight interconnected double-width rooms to the right of it. Tiles are randomly placed in the small starting room to make a floor and ceiling, and four tiles are placed in each of the eight large rooms. Exiting the left side of the load room or the bottom-left exit of the large rooms will return the player to the starting room. (Original debug map rip: Soldjermon)

"Hi, I'm Joji Yanami. I'm not a young man anymore. I've done this job for a long time. Eyup. I've done a lot of stupid roles. Man, though, this year has been so hot, I could die. It's way too much... I'm an old man, you see. I can't do anything anymore. It's exhausting. Someone save me, please. It's already September. I think something will come of all this, maybe. Old age is old age. Maybe not, though. Yeah. Well, that's all. See you, then." This track plays upon entering the starting room of the debug area. It's actually one of the interviews present in the Japanese version, which cannot be accessed normally in the English versions. Test Areas [size=12.3704px]
There are five test areas. They all consist of the first room from the Marble Gallery repeated thirteen times, and all play the track "Lost Painting". The area can be entered from the title screen with GameShark codes 80097918 0046 800974A0 0046